SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - That Which Does Not Kill
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2019 Plein air That Which Does Not Kill

That Which Does Not Kill
Alexe Poukine
2019 - Belgique/France - Couleur - 85'

Ada is nineteen. A man she knows invites her to dinner and she accepts. Everything goes so quickly. She doesn’t defend herself. Her body is wounded, her mind in tatters. Ada’s story is intertwined with others, each one different yet all the same – the same nasty, insane, commonplace story.

In the presence of the director. Debate at 23:45, Salle L’Imaginaire.

Photography : Elin Kirschfink
Sound : Bruno Schweisguth
Editing : Agnès Bruckert
Production : CVB, Alter Ego Production
Distribution : CVB (philippe.cotte@cvb.be, +32 2 221 10 67)