SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Self and Others
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2022 Rediffusions Self and Others

Self and Others
Makoto Sato
2000 - Japon - Couleur - 53'

In 1983, photographer Gocho Shigeo met an early death at the young age of thirty-six. The view we see reflected in Gocho’s photographic images has become more profound over time since his death and has struck a chord in people’s hearts. While focusing on Gocho’s collection of photographs Self and Others, the film also visits places associated with him, creating a collage with the manuscripts, letters, photographs and voice recordings remaining in an attempt to capture “one more gesture” – a theme pursued by Gocho through photographic expression.

Photography : Tamura Masaki
Sound : Kikuchi Nobuyuki
Editing : Miyashiro Shigeo
Music : Kyomaro
Production : Horikoshi Kenzo