SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - The Girl Chewing Gum
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2016 Fragment of a filmmaker’s work: John Smith The Girl Chewing Gum

The Girl Chewing Gum
John Smith
1976 - Royaume-Uni - Noir & Blanc - 12'

“In The Girl Chewing Gum a commanding voice over appears to direct the action in a busy London street. As the instructions become more absurd and fantasised, we realise that the supposed director (not the shot) is fictional; he only describes – not prescribes – the events that take place before him. Smith embraced the ‘spectre of narrative’ (suppressed by structural film), to play word against picture and chance against order.” (A.L. Rees, A Directory of British Film & Video Artists, 1995)

Photography : John Smith
Sound : John Smith
Editing : John Smith
Production : John Smith Films