SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - The House I Want
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2012 Rescreenings The House I Want

The House I Want ( A casa que eu quero )
Raquel Marques, Joana Frazão
2009 - Portugal - Couleur - 65'

A locked up house where one can play. The plants no-one takes care of for months. The husband who went clandestinely to France. The house build for some thirty years and the unfinished house, the house of our dreams. It’s summertime, the month of August, in Vascões, North of Portugal. Many of the houses of emigrants, empty during the rest of the year, are once more inhabited. We visit six of them, guided by the stories of those who built them.

Photography : Raquel Marques, Joana Frazão
Sound : Nuno Barbosa
Editing : Luísa Homem
Production : Terratreme Films
Distribution : Terratreme Films (terratreme.filmes@gmail.com)