SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Toward a Common Tenderness
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2022 Doc route: Japan Toward a Common Tenderness

Toward a Common Tenderness
Kaori Oda
2017 - Japon/Bosnie-Herzégovine - Couleur - 63'

In between Japan and Bosnia Herzegovina, a filmmaker embarks on a physical and spiritual journey to understand the daily life in a foreign land and how it affected their thoughts on filmmaking. Weaving their unused personal footages shot between 2013 and 2016, this film seeks for a possible connection between their current life of filmmaking in Bosnia and their past experience through filmmaking towards their family in Japan. Toward A Common Tenderness presents the filmmaker’s search and struggles to find humanity in filmmaking.

Photography : Kaori Oda
Sound : Kaori Oda
Editing : Kaori Oda
Music : Mono Fontana
Production : FieldRain