SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Un emploi stable
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2022 Rediffusions Un emploi stable

Un emploi stable ( Il Posto )
Gianluca Matarrese, Mattia Colombo
2022 - France/Italie - Couleur - 75'

Each month, hundreds of unemployed nurses cross Italy from South to North looking for work. Two of them organise night bus trips; a long journey of hope that often ends up in nothing. Through a road movie, the two filmmakers sketch a pitiless portrait of contemporary Italy before, during and after the pandemic.

Photography : Jacopo Loiodice, Mattia Colombo
Sound : Massimo Mariani
Editing : Giorgia Villa, Valentina Cicogna
Music : Cantautoma
Production : Altara Films, Bocalupo Films