SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Via Dolorosa
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2014 Rediffusions Via Dolorosa

Via Dolorosa
Menno Otten
2013 - Pays-Bas - Couleur - 15'

Each year, pious men stagger through the Via Dolorosa in Malaga. Literally translated, this means the Way of Sadness, but it also refers to the Way of the Cross, Jesus Christ's painful journey through Jerusalem with the cross on his shoulders. In Malaga, the men carry tronos, or heavy platforms containing statues of saints, in a procession through the streets. In contrast to what the name would make us expect, director Menno Otten makes the conscious decision not to show the road at all and instead films only close-ups of the men.

Photography : Menno Otten, Lennart Verstegen
Sound : Cilia Erens
Editing : Saskia Kievits
Music : Daan Temmink
Production : BALDR Film
(franck@baldrfilm.nl, + 31 20 303 2670)