SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Visible Cities
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2016 Fragment of a filmmaker’s work: Babette Mangolte Visible Cities

Visible Cities
Babette Mangolte
1991 - États-Unis - Couleur - 31'

“Two women are in search of a home in the Southern California landscape. From the outside looking in, they see the single family home as the locus of the exclusion of the other. It is also unaffordable. They both feel as if they are invisible citizens. They witness how the architectural landscape imposed on the California desert appears as a reversal of nature, where exclusive living, gated communities and segregation goes hand in hand. They dream of escape. The film is giving a voice to the landscape as well as exploring off screen presence and subjectivity.” (B. M.)

Photography : Babette Mangolte
Sound : Michael Pelz-Sherman
Editing : Babette Mangolte
Interpretation : Archer Martin, Christine Berry
Production : Babette Mangolte