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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2022 Sacem day Xenakis révolution, le bâtisseur du son

Xenakis révolution, le bâtisseur du son
Stéphane Ghez
2021 - France - Couleur - 55'

2022 Sacem award for Best music documentary Iannis Xenakis is one of the most intriguing figures in modern music. A musician, architect and engineer, Xenakis was a star of the seventies, an artist who left his mark on his era by scouting out new ground. A precursor of a new art form that intertwined sound, light and architecture, his research inspired both Pink Floyd and pioneers of the electronic scene. By presenting this revolutionary artist’s path, the film will explore how he devised and patiently developed a deeply personal language. Delivery of the Sacem award for Best music documentary by Sophie Lacaze, membre of the Sacem jury.

Photography : Denis Gaubert
Sound : Julien Desprès, Damien Perrolaz
Editing : Lionel Delebarre
Music : Thomas Nicol
Production : Cinétévé, Arte France, Mâkhi Xenakis