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Hitler et Abraham
Portrait d'un enfant-soldat du Libéria Série-Collection : Contrechamp humanitaire

Catherine Tellier
1996 - 28 min - Betacam SP - Couleur - France

"I'm eleven, my name is Hitler Killer. This is the fighting name they gave me in the bush. My real name is Abraham."
In Liberia they are 6,000 to be like him, lawless, pitiless armed teenagers.
Today Hitler-Abraham is a street-boy in Monrovia. Abraham tries to come back to the world after Hitler : playing soccer with friends, drawing in the sand on a beach, dandling a baby at his grand-mother's. "He is a good boy, he doesn't steal ! He wants to go to school" the old woman says.
Abraham's glance sometimes hardens, Hitler is back. But he hides out : the "civilians" fear these death children. So he keeps his secret.

Author-Director : Catherine Tellier
Author : Christophe Naigeon
Journalist : Robert Bourgoing
Delegate Producer : Periscoop productions
Broadcasting Co-producer : Huit Mont Blanc
Contribution : CICR


Distributor : Catherine Tellier
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