Il nous faudrait une bonne guerre ?
Laurence Serfaty
2013 - 52 min - HD - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - France

United States and UK: throughout the two countries, citizens are turning their ornamental gardens into kitchen gardens. Most cars transport at least two passengers and hitchhikers have no problem in finding a car driver that agrees to take them on board, as car-sharing has become a habit. Resource wasting is out-dated and energy savings are substantial.
Is this a utopian science fiction novel? No: these are historical facts that happened during the Second World War. It was a huge - and now largely unknown - ahead of time ecological experiment that had been implemented within a few weeks to fight against both Nazism and the overconsumption of resources.
Confronted by climate threat, natural resource depletion and repeated economic crises, could we carry out such a spectacular change now, in peacetime? Or, in view of these now global risks, will we need another "good" war? Filmed in UK, France and China, here is an incisive investigation, with back-and-forth between these past experiences and present-day solutions.

Author-Director : Laurence Serfaty
Photography : François Cauwel, Manuel Rambaud
Sound : Éric Ratteni
Editing : Mathias Lavergne
Original Music : Matthieu Baillot
Delegate Producer : Camera Lucida productions
Co-producer : Hikari Films
Broadcasting Co-producer : France 5
Contribution : Angoa-Agicoa, CNC, Procirep, Pictanovo, Media


Distributor : Camera Lucida productions