Ils ne mouraient pas tous mais tous étaient frappés
Marc-Antoine Roudil, Sophie Bruneau
2005 - 80 min - Beta numérique - Couleur - Belgique, France

Each week, in three public hospitals of the Paris region, a psychologist and two GPs are seeing men and women who suffer from work related diseases.
A chain worker, an agency manager, a nursing auxiliary, a shop manager... One after the other, within the framework of a unique interview, 4 people talk about their sufferings at work. The three specialised professionals listen and gradually establish the link between the individual suffering of the patient and the new forms of labour organisation.
Through the intimate intensity and the truth of these ordinary tragedies, the film shows the trivialization of pain in the workplace. "Ils ne mouraient pas tous mais tous étaient frappes" is a situation in camera where an invisible and silent reality becomes tangible: pain at work in the days of neo-liberalism and the economic war.


Distributor : ADR Productions
Distributor : Bodega Films
Not commercial Distribution : ADAV
Circulation-Consultation : BPI (Bibliothèque publique d'information)
Disponible au Club du doc


2006 - Images en bibliothèques, Paris (France) : Film soutenu par la Commission nationale de sélection des médiathèques
2005 - Traces de Vies, Clermont-Ferrand (France) : Prix de la Création
2005 - États généraux du film documentaire, Lussas (France) : Incertains Regards