Ils regardaient la lune
Natacha Sautereau
2014 - 84 min - HD - Couleur - France

" A farmer is more interesting when he buys that when he sells. "
In this rural region of Aveyron, a world disappears but the local experiments make of this isolated countryside an open-air theater where we question the notion of freedom and where we imagine economic and political alternatives. The local action of the newcomers joins in a global thought and feeds on the poetry and the human values transmitted by the old natives.
In the country of 100 valleys, the omnipresent animals are at the same time hostages and witnessesof the movements of the modern agriculture.

Author-Director : Natacha Sautereau
Photography : Natacha Sautereau
Sound : Natacha Sautereau
Editing : Natacha Sautereau
Original Music : Bruno Izarn
Delegate Producer : Le Hamac rouge
Contribution : DRAC Midi-Pyrénées


Distributor : Le Hamac rouge
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