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Je ne mange pas de ce pain-là : Benjamin Péret poète c'est-à-dire révolutionnair Série-Collection : Phares

Rémy Ricordeau
2015 - 94 min - HD - Couleur - France

Although the poet Benjamin Péret was one of the principal figures of the Surrealist movement along with André Breton, he remains little known to the general public. By tracing his commitment to various poetic and political causes, which was a constant throughout his life, this film seeks to reaffirm his role in a collective intellectual adventure that was to have a lasting impact on the twentieth century.
An eternal rebel against authority in any form, the battles he fought in the world of ideas and politics were meant to serve a conception of human emancipation which in his eyes required the most absolute freedom: that of sensitive expression, and its natural accompaniment, critical thinking.
Innovative in both his poetic creation and his political thinking, the brilliant insights with which he nourished his oeuvre still remain as burningly relevant today.

Author-Director : Rémy Ricordeau
Editing : Iris Omont
Delegate Producer : Seven Doc


Distributor : Seven Doc
DVD Editing : Seven Doc