Je voudrais vous raconter
Dalila Ennadre
2005 - 60 min - DV Cam - Couleur - France, Maroc

In October, 2003, a reform of the family Code was finally voted, after several years of struggle. This new law was established in order to give more justice to women and to rebalance their rights in regard to men This change represents an enormous hope for 13 million Moroccans. But about 70 % of Moroccan women are illiterates and most of them have no access to the information.

Author-Director : Dalila Ennadre
Delegate Producer : Play film
Broadcasting Co-producer : NMO (Nederland Moslim Omroep)
Broadcasting Co-producer : Images Plus
Broadcasting Sale : 2M (Casablanca)
Contribution : CNC, Procirep, Angoa-Agicoa, Media Plus


Distributor : Laya Prod
Disponible au Club du doc


2007 - Festival de Cinéma Africain de Tarifa, Tarifa (Espagne) : Prix du Jury