Jero on Jero, a Balinese trance seance observed Série-Collection : The Jero Tapakan Series

Patsy Asch, Timothy Asch, Linda Connor
1980 - 17 min - 16 mm - Couleur - Australie

In 1980, anthropologist Linda Connor and filmmakers Tim and Patsy Asch returned to Bali with videocassette recordings of "A Balinese Trance Séance". The resulting film presents some of her reactions to Connor as she watched and listened to herself for the first time. Jero had a unique opportunity to spontaneously and consciously react to and reflect upon the experience of possession. Her comments provide insight into how she feels while possessed, her understanding of sorcery, and her humility in the presence of the supernatural world. More mundane thoughts are revealed as well, for example the importance of the fine appearance of her house. "Jero On Jero" could most fruitfully be used as a companion to A Balinese Trance Seance, which would be shown first and followed by a discussion, before screening Jero Tapakan's own response.