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L'Affaire Clearstream
... racontée à un ouvrier de chez Daewoo
Denis Robert
2003 - 61 min - DV Cam - Couleur - France

In March 2001, Denis Robert and his film "Les Dissimulateurs" set the cat among the pigeons in the world of finance. It was an investigation that led to sensational revelations about the secret functioning of capital movements in the world. At the heart of his enquiry into the world of international finance : Clearstream, a clearing company (a multinational of finance) based in Luxembourg.
Behind these legal accounts, this bank of banks (a real black box that recorded tens of millions of financial transactions each year) sheltered (hid) others which were virtually clandestine. The scandal caused by "Les Dissimulateurs" made it possible to set up various parliamentary and judicial enquiries. The CEO of Clearstream and the main executives of the firm were dismissed.
Today the film extends this work of investigation by going much further into understanding these phenomena. What connection is there between a clearing bank and the workers of Daewoo who are now redundant ? Denis Robert travels in the wings of the international banking circuits, retraces the mechanisms of opaque financial circuits.
The thread running through this, the discovery of discreet accounts for the Daewoo company at Clearstream, gets closer to the heart of the world of finance, and shows to what extent justice and political and economic power are powerless and even complicit.

Author-Director : Denis Robert
Author : Pascal Lorent
Delegate Producer : The Factory Productions
Broadcasting Pre-purchase : Canal plus
Contribution : Angoa-Agicoa, CNC, Procirep


Distributor : The Factory Productions
Not commercial Distribution : ADAV
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