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L'Eldorado de Jonathan Duprés
Camille Laux
2009 - 10 min - DVD - Couleur - France

I made an art video on an illegal Moroccan student’s daily life living in Spanish territory. I wanted to show, through daily life scenes, the fears, the difficulties, the efforts of adaptation these persons have to deal with and translate the tensions, the heroic dimension of their trip, the idealistic vision migrants going to Europe have, like an El Dorado, before coming. Dealing with the representation and claim of a body in one particular place. How do our body and mind adapt when living in a foreign country?
Make the audience feels the nerve-racking experience of these “illegal” persons, the runaway, by a work on sound of breathing and breathlessness. Showing what makes illegal persons stay, resist, what dreams are holding them.

Author-Director : Camille Laux
Delegate Producer : Camille Laux


Distributor : Camille Laux
Distributor : ENSAN (École nationale supérieure des arts de Nancy)
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