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L'Épuration en Alsace
Luis Miranda
2010 - 52 min - Beta numérique - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - France

At the end of World War II, the French government implemented a five-year "purification" policy that rocked the Alsatian society to its very core with massive arrests, the refusal to grant residency, the abrogation of fundamental rights, and so on. Thousands of families were thrown into an uproar, lost in a whirlwind of legislative chaos. Sixty years later, a word started to circulate. Devoid of hatred or passion, it spoke of incomprehension and injustice.The Alsatian code of silence finally started to shatter. By confronting sources and testimony, the film offers to retrace the unspoken history of purification in Alsace, while showing the still-open wounds that were the result.
Thanks to the concrete participation of historians, this documentary offers the keys to decipher the political stakes and human tragedies resulting from the purification and, on the other hand, a reflection on the relativity and subjectivity of Justice.

Author-Director : Luis Miranda
Photography : Vincent Courtonne
Sound : Denis Maignan
Editing : Florence Jacquet
Delegate Producer : Crescendo Média Films
Broadcasting Co-producer : France 3 Alsace
Broadcasting Pre-purchase : Histoire
Contribution : Angoa-Agicoa, Région Alsace, Communauté urbaine de Strasbourg (CUS), Conseil général du Bas-Rhin, CNC, Procirep


Distributor : Crescendo Média Films
Not commercial Distribution : ADAV
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