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L'Homophobie, ce douloureux problème
Lionel Bernard
2000 - 52 min - DV Cam - Couleur - France

Queer, pansy, fairy... such are the names that are used like axes, that discriminate, assassinate.
Homophobia, a feeling of rejection and hatred experienced with regard to homosexuals, has shown itself to be, sometimes as a reaction to progress in the rights of homosexuals, a real phenomenon of society, the last bastion of a deep-seated intolerance.
This film is a report on homophobia throughout the world. Excerpts from the news remind us of some truly homophobic events of the last few years.
Interviews present us with the testimony of Salim, a young man of North African origin sent by his father for "retraining" in Algeria, Cornelia, who emigrated to London to flee the homophobic Zimbabwe of President Mugabe, or Philippe Meynard, a French politician who, under homophobic pressure, resigned in April 2000 from his post as deputy mayor.
At the same time, specialists shed light on the roots of an unspoken discrimination, sly and occurring every day which, in some countries, can culminate in a sentencing to death.

Author-Director : Lionel Bernard
Delegate Producer : Dominant 7
Broadcasting Co-producer : Canal plus
Contribution : CNC, Canal plus international, Media II (1996-2000)


Distributor : Doc & Film International
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