Maison de Monsieur Jiang Série-Collection : La Chine s'éveille

Gan Chao, Liang Zi
2007 - 52 min - DV Cam - Couleur - France, Chine

In a few months, Mr. Jiang's old mansion will be torn down to make place for some modern high-rise buildings. He has lived in this house in the heart of Shanghai his entire life and he resists to let it go.
A female journalist from Beijing is intrigued and starts to investigate the case. Will she reveal the mystery linked to his resistance ? On the other hand, will he resist her outspoken charm ?

Author-Director : Gan Chao, Liang Zi
Photography : Gan Chao, Qian Zhu, Liang Zi
Sound : Olivier Lafuma, Hancun Shen
Editing : Cécile Beaulandeson, Gan Chao
Delegate Producer : ICTV Solférino Images-Quartier Latin
Co-producer : China Screen
Co-producer : Xiolong Wang
Co-producer : Yemin Yuan
Broadcasting Co-producer : Shangaï Média Group
Broadcasting Co-producer : Sichuan Télévision China


Distributor : ICTV Solférino Images-Quartier Latin
Not commercial Distribution : ADAV
Disponible au Club du doc


2012 - Festival International Jean Rouch, Paris (France) : Sélection Regards Comparés
2007 - Images en bibliothèques, Paris (France) : Film soutenu par la Commission nationale de sélection des médiathèques