Mémoire des brumes
Luc-Henri Fage
1992 - 52 min - Vidéo SD - Couleur - France

Thirty years after the Gaisseau expedition, which marked the first crossing of South-North New Guinea, two young people decided to retrace their steps in those of their elders.
With the photos of the expedition as a viaticum and a good dose of unconsciousness, they give a testimony on the changes that have occurred in the Papuan tribes. Escaping surveillance by the Indonesian military, they marched to meet the forbidden mountain. More than 1,000 challenging kilometres in territories where fascinating Papuans live...

Author-Director : Luc-Henri Fage
Photography : Luc-Henri Fage
Sound : Luc-Henri Fage
Editing : Pierre Boccanfuso
Original Music : Didier Montebello
Delegate Producer : Félis Productions
Broadcasting Pre-purchase : Canal plus
Broadcasting Pre-purchase : The Discovery Channel (Europe)


Distributor : Félis Productions
Disponible au Club du doc


1992 - Festival Jules Verne, Paris (France) : Grand prix
1992 - Festival international du film de géographie, Saint Dié (France) : Grand prix de la Société de Géographie
1992 - Festival International du film d'aventure, Dijon (France) : Prix spécial du Jury
1992 - FIFMA - Festival International du Film de Montagne d'Autrans, Autrans (France) : Prix spécial du Jury et Prix du film d’exploration