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La Révolution des casseroles Série-Collection : Révolution (vol 1)

Philippe Claude, Philippe Lachambre
2006 - 52 min - Digital vidéo - Couleur - France

December 2001, Buenos Aires. A disturbing silence pervades the city. Five days before Christmas, frustrated Argentineans looted the supermarkets. The government reacted immediately by proclaiming a state of emergency. Violent confrontations take place during the night between the demonstrators and special police forces. The situation approaches anarchy for twelve days, five Presidents are going to succeed one other.
The film shows images of the revolt until the present, it also includes archived clips dating back to 1912.
The films explores historical roots, and examine what has transpired since last Christmas. What concrete events have happened since last December ?
And what does the future hold in the months and the years to come, for this young democracy in danger ?


Distributor : ICTV Solférino Images-Quartier Latin
Not commercial Distribution : ADAV