Feminism Inschallah
Feriel Ben Mahmoud
2015 - 52 min - HD - Couleur - France

The Arab Spring gave huge hope to Arab women. A hope of democracy and equality. While the people of the Arab World rise up in the name of freedom, the rights and status of women unleash vehemence and political clashes more than ever.
However, no more than 50 years ago women's freedom and emancipation already seemed a sure destiny for Arab women. While their country became independent, the political leaders of the time - the liberators of the people - declared they also wanted to liberate women.
What is happening? How do Arab women manage to shake up these societies so closed by sexism and patriarchy?
Contrary to popular belief, Arab women's struggle for democracy and equality is not a recent issue. It began over a century ago, in the streets of Cairo and Tunis.
From Tunis to Casablanca, from Algiers to Cairo and Beyrouth, Feriel Ben Mahmoud, the director shot witness accounts of activists from the outset and committed artists, analyses of historians, but also the actions of young feminists today. She recounts this long and difficult path to emancipation.

Author-Director : Feriel Ben Mahmoud
Editing : Josiane Zardoya
Original Music : Kaïs Sellami
Delegate Producer : Drôle de trame
Broadcasting Pre-purchase : France 3
Contribution : CNC, Procirep


Distributor : Java Films
VOD : France TV Pluzz VAD


2014 - MEDIMED, Barcelona (Espagne) : Sélection