Last Supper For Malthus
The Permanent Food Crisis
Klaus Pas
2009 - 52 min - HDV & Super 16 mm & DV Cam - Couleur - Suisse

2008 saw the world's population move beyond 6.8 billion. The global food crisis brought agriculture back to the forefront of any plans for the future of humanity. The ongoing crisis was then overshadowed by a financial crisis, the likes of which had not been seen in 80 years. So it is perhaps inevitable that's the ghost of Thomas Malthus, the controversial 19th century economist and demographer, returns now to haunt our screens with his predictions of unavoidable mass starvation.

Author-Director : Klaus Pas
Author : Adrian Westbrook
Photography : Andrew Brooke
Sound : Julien Bourgon, Nassim El Mounabbih, Mélanie Briand
Editing : Khaled Salem
Delegate Producer : Turbulence Films


Distributor : Turbulence Films


2010 - The European Independent Film Festival, Paris (France) : Prix du Public