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Les Ailerons de la mort Série-Collection : Des requins et des hommes

Jean-Luc Guidoin, Dirk Steffens
2008 - 52 min - HD - Couleur - France

Graeme Duane and the Doctor Samuel Grubber have been rubbing shoulders with sharks and respect them for a long time. Along with them, the audience shares their sensation, apprehensions, sometimes, their fascination for these animals older than dinosaurs. From the origins to nowadays, this film recounts the evolution of the imaginary of these men connected to sharks, combining feelings of fear and fascination. In spite of few human victims, an average of 6 per year, sharks keep on having a peculiar status due to the violence of these very few attacks. In this film, they try to teach us how to react with bull sharks, specie much more dangerous than the white sharks.

Author-Director : Jean-Luc Guidoin, Dirk Steffens
Author : Marie Pilhan
Author : Florian Dedio
Photography : Grant Johnson, Boris Mahlau, Barry Skinstead, Torben Muller, Charles Maxwell, Graeme Duane, Patrick Wack, Hans-Peter Eckardt
Sound : Olivier Launay, Torsten Reimers
Editing : Jean-Luc Guidoin
Delegate Producer : Angel Production
Co-producer : Looks Filmproduktionen GmbH
Co-producer : Flying Fox ZA
Broadcasting Co-producer : France 5
Broadcasting Co-producer : RTBF Bruxelles
Broadcasting Co-producer : Planète, Vox (Allemagne)
Contribution : Europe Média, CNC


Distributor : Europe images international