Wandering Souls
Annabel Loyola
2019 - 12 min - Video Full HD - Couleur - Canada (Québec)

On November 5th, 2017, Hôtel-Dieu de Montréal closed its doors on 375 years of care and history. Filmmaker Annabel Loyola captured the hospital’s living memory in her previous film, "Le dernier soufflé".
In "Les âmes errantes", she returns to the site, now unoccupied, to immerse herself in the silence and to listen to the echo of the past resonate within its walls.

Author-Director : Annabel Loyola
Photography : Franck Le Coroller
Sound : Julia Innes, Mélanie Gauthier, Martin Allard, Marco Fania
Editing : Vincent Guignard
Original Music : Fabienne Lucet
Delegate Producer : Arabesque Films


Distributor : Arabesque Films