The Argonauts and The White Panther
Matthieu Boutitie, Gaspard d' Ornano, Maxime Morin
2018 - 71 min - Vidéo Full HD - Couleur - France

How teenagers, that nothing predisposed to meet, find themselves together in front of the United Nations to defend the cause of a cat-like facing the threat of extinction?
"Panthera Odyssey" tells this adventure, the story of these teenagers launched on the track of the snow leopard of Kyrgyzstan.
Horse riding, equipped with logbooks, such as Ulysses of modern times, they climb mountain passes rising at more than four thousand meters above sea level. They learn footprints studying, cartography, how to use observation drones and how to set trap cameras. The expedition turns into an epic quest.
Leaving behind smartphones and home comfort, they adopt the Kyrgyz lifestyle marked by nomadic traditions. An initia- tory journey where they relearn how to live together in the pursuit of a common goal. An opportunity to face their doubts and test their limits in a physical and moral test, on the borders of Central Asia.

Author-Director : Matthieu Boutitie, Gaspard d' Ornano, Maxime Morin
Photography : Matthieu Boutitie, Maxime Morin
Sound : Gaspard d' Ornano
Editing : Gaspard d' Ornano
Original Music : Michel Macias, Fouad Achkir
Delegate Producer : Frapadoc Productions
Contribution : Objectif Sciences International (osi-start)


Distributor : Frapadoc Productions
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2019 - Rencontres Cinévoyageur Esprits du monde, Aiguillon (France) : Sélection