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Les Clefs du château
Dans le monde de l'aristocratie
Yves Jeuland
1999 - 52 min - Digital vidéo - Couleur - France

Since 1467, the descendants of the feudal Lord Chevenon de Bigny have lived in the fortress of Ainay-le-Vieil, in the Berry region, in central France. A family dynasty more than 500 years old.
Behind the castle ramparts, generation upon generation of barons and marquises, counts and princesses, have preserved their aristocratic values and skills. In the village below, generations of tenant farmers and servants continue to live in the shadow of the castle.
Why do the heirs of old aristocratic lineage insist on preserving certain values ? How can we trace the hiearchies and emblems that make this milieu a true tribe ? How do we penetrate this hermetic world we know neither the rites nor the expressions ?
To attempt to answer these questions, Yves Jeuland approached an old family in a small village of the Berry. They entrusted him with the keys to the chateau and opened the portals of high society.

Author-Director : Yves Jeuland
Delegate Producer : Image & compagnie
Broadcasting Co-producer : France 2
Contribution : CNC


Distributor : Europe images international
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