Ma plus belle histoire
Sarah Myriam Poirson
2010 - 52 min - HDV - Couleur - France

Thibault is 19 years old, he has cerebral palsy and is extremely physically handicapped.
Full of joy of life, Thibault discovers a passion, which changes his life: horse-riding. Riding fulfils him and helps him evolve in daily tasks. New doors open for Thibault.
He often thanks his horse for lending him those so needed legs. He undertakes a challenge, and dream of his life, to be part of the next Paralympics Games in London 2012.
Here, for you, is Thibault's very best story...


Distributor : Human Doors


2012 - Festival Breaking Down Barriers, Moscou (Russie) : Prix du Public
2011 - NHK Japan Prize, Tokyo (Japon) : Sélection
2011 - Festival International du Film de Sport, Milan (Italie) : Sélection
2010 - Festival Selluloid, Selles-sur-Cher (France) : Sélection
2010 - Festival International Ciné-Vidéo-Psy de Lorquin , Lorquin (France) : Sélection