My Love Awaits Me by the Sea
Maïs Darwazeh
2013 - 90 min - Jordanie, Allemagne

A woman takes a first time journey back to her Palestine. Accompanied by Hasan, her imaginary lover, she searches for his fantasy world and finds the remnants of hope in a land exhausted by endless years of war.

Author-Director : Maïs Darwazeh
Photography : Arlette Girardot, Joude Gorani
Sound : Issa Qumsiyeh, Issa Jalal
Editing : Avakian Vartan
Original Music : Cynthia Zaven
Delegate Producer : The Imaginarium Films
Co-producer : Mengamuk Films


Distributor : The Imaginarium Films


2013 - Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF), Toronto (Canada) : Sélection