Little Girls
The End of Innocence
Pauline Beugnies
2022 - 70 min - 35 mm & Vidéo Full HD - Couleur - Belgique

"Little girls" is the free narrative of the Dutroux Affair, told by this generation of children, now adults, exposed far too early to the sordidness in the privacy of their homes. Their memories are altered by time, distorted by the media prism and their childlike eyes.
Together, their testimonies tell an intimate version of the story. A piece of collective memory.

Author-Director : Pauline Beugnies
Photography : Tristan Galand
Sound : Edith Herregods
Editing : Léo Parmentier
Original Music : Lionel Vancauwenberge
Delegate Producer : Rayuela Productions
Broadcasting Co-producer : RTBF Bruxelles


Distributor : WIP (Wallonie Image Production)