Near-Death Experience
Jil Servant
2020 - 46 min - Video 720p/HDV - Couleur - Martinique (île de la)

Twenty years of making documentary films, the opportunity to have a party, to celebrate a huge career, mine. Pure happiness, that of making films about French West Indies for so many years, and that also of realizing that it is perhaps time to turn the page.
When you're dead, everything is simple, no surprises, no conflicts, no regrets. On the other hand, when you are almost dead, anything can happen.
I survived a serious car accident, during which I did not see my life go by. It was after that everything came back. A life of images and sweat. Years of sweating in the West Indies is the summary of my life as a director, of course there were the sea and the beaches but it was not easy. What was it for? Really, what was the point in hindsight? Who got interested?
Very often, I had no chance to show my work, to defend it, to convince anyone. Living mainly in France and filming mainly in Martinique: was it possible to link them? Is it because an island is too small, too limited? So many like me wanted to do it, and so many gave up. Twenty years of questions, twenty years of strange answers, twenty years to come up with a new film...

Author-Director : Jil Servant
Photography : Jil Servant
Sound : Jil Servant
Editing : Le Hoang Nguyen
Delegate Producer : Palaviré Productions


Distributor : Palaviré Productions


2021 - Third Horizon, Miami (États-Unis) : Sélection
2021 - TTFF (Trinité+Tobago Film Festival), Port of Spain (Trinité-et-Tobago) : Sélection
2020 - Cinémartinique, Fort-de-France (Martinique (île de la)) : Mention spéciale