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Que dire de plus
Claudia Imbert
2000 - 19 min - DV Cam - Couleur - France

Jean-Claude Myszka, ex-gang leader of the so-called Postiche Gang, a certain number of banks, safes, millions, and escapes between 1980 and 1985 reveals himself to James Arch, a writer, for a scenario telling the story of this famous gang.
Released only a few months ago, after spending 15 years in prison and psychiatric hospital, the man decides to return for the first time to the places that have marked his journey.
The camera as a witness quickly becomes a confidant, we forget James, we become more intimate.
Like words that would have stifled during all these years, Myszka speaks on endlessly while repeating "What more can I say ?"
A ballad through time and emotions of an outcast. Count down for he who has only his past as a robber for his summary.

Author-Director : Claudia Imbert
Delegate Producer : Ateliers Varan


Distributor : Ateliers Varan
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