Radio Congo
Philippe Ayme
2019 - 53 min - Video Full HD - Couleur - France

Idiofa, a remote village two days away from Kinshasa, in the heart of the DRC. In the run-up to a historical national election, the Nsemo community radio leads a fight to raise the people's awareness.
With the dry season looming and power outages increasing, the villagers' commitment is needed: if their only connection to the outside world is to survive, they must give up a share of their palm oil harvest to fuel the radio's engine. As elections are continually postponed, the radio station must safeguard the vulnerable and feeble fire of democracy.

Author-Director : Philippe Ayme
Photography : Philippe Ayme
Sound : Olivier Dandré, Louis Molinas, Thomas Besson
Editing : Floriane Allier
Delegate Producer : Dryades Films
Broadcasting Co-producer : Public Sénat
Broadcasting Co-producer : Lyon Capitale TV
Contribution : Angoa-Agicoa, Scam, Sacem, CNC. COSIP, Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Procirep


Distributor : Dryades Films