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Raoul Ruiz, contre l'ignorance fiction !
Alejandra Rojo
2016 - 63 min - HD - Couleur - France

Through encounters with collaborators and friends, the analysis of excerpts from his films and the voice of Raoul Ruiz, this documentary reveals the bases of his work as an artist. We discover that, in his universe, childhood, poetry and science dictate the rules. These are the three indispensable keys to penetrating his vast filmography.

Author-Director : Alejandra Rojo
Photography : Jérôme Colin
Sound : Roxane Billamboz
Editing : Isabelle Poudevigne
Delegate Producer : TS Productions
Co-producer : Le Fresnoy (Studio national des Arts contemporains)
Co-producer : Le Bureau Films
Broadcasting Co-producer : Ciné+
Contribution : Procirep, CNC. COSIP


Distributor : TS Productions
Disponible au Club du doc


2016 - Festival international du cinéma indépendant (BAFICI), Buenos Aires (Argentine) : Sélection