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Rue du Gué marin
Robert Bouhanna, Abdallah Ennaciri, Sylvain Aubel
1994 - 33 min - Hi 8 - Couleur - France

A small town in France, Mehun-sur-Yèvres, a street in this town, rue du Gué marin ; an association of persons ,"Écho and Co", a newspaper that is printed, some rock music, a space which is fixed up... Nothing but that.
A priori, a trivial "it moves", the space of some experience or other of anonymous individuals...
"Rue du Gué marin" attempts to, if not to surround, at least to skim a point of truth about this place.

Author-Director : Robert Bouhanna, Abdallah Ennaciri, Sylvain Aubel
Delegate Producer : Troisim'


Distributor : Troisim'
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