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Salsa électorale à Panama
Le Retour de Ruben Blades
Yves Billon
1994 - 52 min - Betacam SP - Couleur - France, Belgique

Ruben Blades at the head of the “Papa Egoro” party which he founded last year is standing candidate for the presidential elections and claims to be the only democratic remedy against corruption.
Against a background of economic and political fragility the candidature of this living Salsa legend raises the problem of the difficult relationship of this small country and the omnipresent American giant in the Panamian political game.
The geopolitical stakes particular to the Panama zone and the desire for a genuine national sovereignty, these dominate the themes of the film... to the notes of a salsa.

Author-Director : Yves Billon
Delegate Producer : Les Films du village
Broadcasting Co-producer : France 3
Broadcasting Co-producer : BRTN (Belgian Radio & Television Network)
Contribution : Procirep, CNC


Distributor : Zaradoc Films