Savage Memory
Zachary Stuart, Kelly Thomson
2011 - 75 min - Couleur - États-Unis

"Savage Memory" uses the controversies surrounding the legacy of the founding father of British Anthropology to explore powerful questions surrounding history and the ways in which it is created; memory and it's fluidity; and the imprints of the spirits of the dead. Told through the lens of Malinowski's great grandson, the film weaves familial and historical perspectives with rich verite moments in the site of Malinowski's field work - the Trobriand Islands, an archipelago off the coast of Papua New Guinea.

Author-Director : Zachary Stuart, Kelly Thomson
Photography : Zachary Stuart, Kelly Thomson
Sound : Zachary Stuart, Kelly Thomson
Editing : Zachary Stuart
Delegate Producer : Sly Productions


Distributor : Transit Media
Circulation-Consultation : SFAV (Société française d'Anthropologie visuelle)


2013 - Globians Doc Fest, Berlin (Allemagne) : Sélection
2012 - IFF - Independent Film Festival of Boston, Boston (États-Unis) : Sélection
2012 - Festival du film anthropologique de San Francisco, San Francisco (États-Unis) : Sélection