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Sol y Sombra
Philippe Claude
2006 - 52 min - Mini DV - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - France

Newly married in a hungry Andalusia, Diego and Maria were celebrating the birth of their daughter when the Coup d?Etat of the 18th of July, 1936, came about, throwing Spain into chaos. This new order that the general Franco tried to impose brought about a long separation; Diego had joined the Republicans; when the Fascists won, he had to flee to France, leaving his wife and daughter. In the meantime, the conflict was spreading to every part of Europe.
Over a period of nine years, they wouldn?t stop hoping to meet again. Maria was living in Almeria with her daughter, suffering the worst period of Francoism. Diego was driven across France, from concentration camps on the Roussillon beaches to the fortifications of the ?Atlantic wall?, finishing with the liberation of Paris in August 1944.
Interestingly, events from their lives fit in with history; it is also the story of a couple of 20-year olds in 1935. Vulnerable, they were people of low social condition, a man and a woman carried by the whirlwind of history.

Author-Director : Philippe Claude
Sound : François Paillet
Editing : Philippe Lachambre
Delegate Producer : Alisa Productions
Broadcasting Pre-purchase : YLE (Finlande)
Broadcasting Sale : RTBF Bruxelles
Broadcasting Sale : TSR (Télévision suisse romande), Histoire, Canal de Historia (SP-PORT)


Distributor : Alisa Productions


2007 - IDFA, Amsterdam (Pays-Bas) : Sélection