Sur le passage de Jacques Vaché à travers une très courte unité de temps
Rémy Ricordeau
2023 - 78 min - Vidéo Full HD - Couleur - France

Who was Jacques Vaché ? Like a meteor in the firmament of logical revolts, a poet and artist without a masterpiece but no little destiny, Jacques Vaché indelibly left his mark on the invention of the modern spirit.
In his "War letters" he initiates the founder of Surrealism in another, more substantial, way of conceiving of the world and invites him, in the spirit of Umour (without the "h"), to reshape life poetically.
Amongst epistolary evocations of the daily life of the war and flashes of poetic brilliance sent from the front to various correspondents, the film endeavors to reconstitute the biographical and intellectual journey of the man who would become the mythical incarnation of the spirit of "desertion" at the origin of Dadaism and Surrealism - from his rebellious adolescence in Nantes to his tragic and controversial demise in the same city in 1919.

Author-Director : Rémy Ricordeau
Photography : Gianlucca Zerial
Sound : Guillaume Contré
Editing : Iris Omont
Original Music : Guillaume Contré
Delegate Producer : Seven Doc


Distributor : Seven Doc