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Une heure seulement
Vianney Lambert, Mohamed Ouzine, Nils Tavernier
2000 - 52 min - DV Numérique - Couleur - France

In prison, parents only see their children at best once every two weeks.
In Orléans, the association "Relais Enfants-Parents" accompanies minor children on visits to their imprisoned mothers. These meetings only last one hour and take place every two weeks in a cell arranged like a child’s bedroom. They take place in the presence of a member of the association.
Upstream of these visits, the Relais pursues two objectives so as to restore the maternal label to these women : conserving their physical image by means of a beauty workshop and limiting the psychological effects of imprisonment by discussion groups and manual activities. By making an object for their children, they maintain a link that is made fragile by imprisonment.

Author-Director : Vianney Lambert, Mohamed Ouzine, Nils Tavernier
Delegate Producer : Nelka films
Broadcasting Co-producer : La Cinquième
Contribution : CNC, Procirep, Région Centre


Distributor : Nelka films
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