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Une peur bleue Série-Collection : Des requins et des hommes

Jean-Luc Guidoin
2008 - 52 min - HD - Couleur - France

Why are we afraid of sharks? Numerous myths, documentaries and movies had already described sharks as bloodthirsty creatures and man-eaters. But the bestseller book "Jaws" by US writer Peter Benchley, published in 1974, played a particularly significant part. In 1975, Steven Spielberg made a film from it and numerous viewers throughout the world were actually subconsciously overwhelmed by anxiety-producing images. Sharks had become their sworn aquatic enemies.
As a consequence of this terror, the big white shark has been almost totally wiped out. For several years, Graeme Duane has snorkeled side by side with sharks, and he has learned to respect them. With him, we share the great shrill and his appreciation of these animals that started existing before the dinosaurs. From the origins to nowadays, this film tells about the imaginary representations human beings have had of sharks.

Author-Director : Jean-Luc Guidoin
Author : Dirk Steffens
Author : Florian Dedio
Author : Marie Pilhan
Photography : Hans-Peter Eckardt, Boris Mahlau, Charles Maxwell, Patrick Wack, Grant Johnson, Torben Muller, Graeme Duane, Barry Skinstead
Sound : Olivier Launay, Torsten Reimers
Editing : Jean-Luc Guidoin
Delegate Producer : Angel Production
Co-producer : Looks Filmproduktionen GmbH
Co-producer : Flying Fox ZA
Broadcasting Co-producer : Vox (Allemagne)
Broadcasting Co-producer : France 5
Broadcasting Co-producer : RTBF Bruxelles, Planète
Contribution : CNC, Europe Média


Distributor : Europe images international