Vivre en apesanteur
Étienne Blanchon
2005 - 43 min - Non spécifié - Couleur - France

Every year the European Space Agency organises a series of flights in order to carry out experiments in weightless conditions. In space, the effects of weightlessness always seem so graceful, but to recreate them without venturing far from the Earth requires methods which are frankly brutal. It means first flying straight up towards the sky, before cutting the plane's engines and then dropping back to Earth in free-fall. And so each year scientists take their places on board an Airbus which has been metamorphosed into a free-fall laboratory, ready to put themselves through this gruelling experience. In this way only can they gain a new understanding of the properties of gravity, the fundamental force which acts on every animate or inanimate body in the Universe.

Author-Director : Étienne Blanchon
Author : Étienne Blanchon
Author : Antoine Bamas
Author : Gabriel Turkieh
Photography : Étienne Blanchon, Pierre Jan Van der Burgh
Sound : Eusebio Serrano
Editing : Barbara Caspary
Original Music : Khalli Chahine
Delegate Producer : Altomédia
Co-producer : CNDP (Centre national de documentation pédagogique)
Broadcasting Co-producer : ARTE France


Distributor : Altomédia