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Watch Me!
Xavier Baudoin
2003 - 54 min - DV Cam - Couleur - France

The students from Louise Michel Middle School in Clichy-sous-Bois in the Parisian suburbs sing music composed for them by the American saxophone player, Ernest Dawkins. He left it to them to write lyrics for it. Their words evoke the ghetto and life.
A singer, a pianist and a percussionist rehearse with them for two months. Dawkins' s music bit by bit ploughs a path into the daily lives of these suburban youngsters.
One week before the concert, the musician arrives from Chicago. He goes into the classroom, improvises a jazz standard with the musicians, explains his act and takes charge of the 150 chorus members, percussionists and thirty brass band musicians.
Dawkins directs everyone with mimics and wild gestures, using his whole body to appeal to and canalise the youngsters' energy and feed it back into the music. "The most important thing," he repeats in English, "is to watch me."
Captivated by the character, the young performers apply themselves as never before and the catchword, "Watch me," takes on a new meaning the day of the concert, when placed centre stage, they give a public performance.

Author-Director : Xavier Baudoin
Delegate Producer : La Huit Production
Co-producer : Banlieues bleues
Broadcasting Co-producer : Mezzo
Contribution : Sacem


Distributor : La Huit Distribution
Distributor : Documentaire sur grand écran