Welcome to Fukushima
Alain de Halleux
2013 - 60 min - HD - France, Belgique

Standing in the shadow of Fukushima's gutted nuclear reactors but just outside of the evacuated zone, Minamisoma is a city living as if in suspended animation. Its future depends on theories and strange decontamination operations, not to mention the highly unlikely stabilisation of the reactors.
With a year's hindsight, it is time to leave behind the raw emotion of the tragedy and scrutinise the changes that the event will have not just on Japanese society but our own as well.

Author-Director : Alain de Halleux
Delegate Producer : Crescendo Média Films
Co-producer : Simple production
Broadcasting Co-producer : RTBF Bruxelles, Vosges Télévision Images Plus


Distributor : Crescendo Média Films
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