A Burkinabe Family
Victorien Vialar
2016 - 52 min - Super 16 & vidéo Full HD - Couleur - France, Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso, land of the upright men, makes history once again with a revolution, this time lead by the people, in October 2014. The president since 1987 was inclined to resign of his position. People’s expectations are great for the November 2015 election.
In Tengrela, village of farmers and fishermen mostly Muslim, it is the time of the rice harvest. People of all ages are working in the fields. The daily routine is laborious in this village where the Karaboro ethnic lives. They are close to 30 to living together in Seydou’s camping. Seydou is the patriarch, once fisherman on the lake Tengrela, today president of the House of agriculture of the province. The values passed are hard work, solidarity, courage, sharing and tolerance.The identity of each individual of the family is strong and reveals itself in the course of the confidences and looks shared by them about their lives and the world surrounding them.Seydou, the Muslim polygamist patriarch is giving most of his income to send his daughter Orokia in a private catholic school because she is the most brilliant student in the village. He and his first wife, the catalyst, are the family main foundations. Adama, the older son, has passed 10 years with a marabou in Mali learning Koran. He is illiterate but shines with his values of tolerance and love, he is for each of his brothers and sisters an humble and pious role model. Siaka, Seydou’s nephew, huge worker, has a powerful and brotherly relationship with Adama and Drissa, who, at 22, started again the night school to learn the work of electrician. The three of them work together in the fields and eat in the same dish since their childhood. The new generation, including the 14 year old Lassina and Orokia, is lucky to be send to school. They are trying their best to pursue their studies and make proud their parents.
This is a unique Burkinabe family : the Tous from Tengrela.

Exists in 89 min. version

Author-Director : Victorien Vialar
Author : Virginie Scarbel
Photography : Drissa Tou, Victorien Vialar
Sound : Victorien Vialar, Grégoire Marty
Editing : Marvin Berger, Victorien Vialar
Original Music : Sylvain Flassayer (Assay)
Delegate Producer : V&V Productions
Co-producer : L' Argent Production
Co-producer : Kegnigohi Production
Broadcasting Sale : TV5 Monde


Distributor : V&V Productions
Disponible au Club du doc


2018 - Curieux Voyageurs - Festival de Films, Saint-Etienne (France) : Sélection
2018 - Society For Applied Anthropology Film Festival, Philadelphia (États-Unis) : Sélection
2017 - Festival Panafricain du Cinéma et de la Télévision de Ouagadougou (FESPACO), Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) : Sélection
2017 - Festival de Cannes, Cannes (France) : Sélection Doc Corner
2017 - Regards sur le Cinéma du Monde, Paris (France) : Sélection
2017 - Rendez-vous du carnet de voyage, Clermont-Ferrand (France) : Sélection
2016 - Luxor African Film Festival, Luxor (Égypte) : Sélection