Yoman sade'
Journal de campagne
Amos Gitaï
1982 - 83 min - 16 mm - Couleur - Israël, France

A film journal made in the occupied territories during the invasion of Lebanon, "Field diary" uses the power of the camera against the power of the gun. During the tense opening sequence, Gitaï films a dispute with the Israeli Army that wants to prevent him from filming the Palestinian myaor of Naplouse who is under house arrest. Amid threats and intimidation, the camera keeps turning. Amos Gitaï uses and abuses the power of film, and so be it : each shot is a test lasting until the contradictions explode under the impassive eye-machine of the camera. The sound editing adds to the ill-ease, with a prayer for dead or a speech by Begin – the voice of Zionism gone astray, mutilating a landscape that cries for its deported inhabitants...

Author-Director : Amos Gitaï
Delegate Producer : Amos Gitaï production
Co-producer : AGAV films
Co-producer : Les Films d'ici


Distributor : Jane Balfour Services