Young Sun Noh
2018 - 70 min - Couleur - France

During Japan's occupation of Korea, a Japanese woman goes to Seoul to join her Korean lover. Back at the end of the Second World War, she brought a girl into the world, in Pyongyang, and then had to flee. She returned to Japan, alone.
I dream of this woman, a foreigner, my unknown grandmother, deceased, without a name, without a face, isolated between two countries, simultaneously near and far, Korea and Japan. I dream of my mother, also so far away. Over three generations, mothers and daughters remain strangers to one another.
"Yukiko" is a story of missed transmissions; it is an attempt to retrieve fragments of stories, memories in tatters.

Author-Director : Young Sun Noh
Photography : Young Sun Noh
Sound : Young Sun Noh, Marie Bottois, Yumi Satoh
Editing : Céline Ducreux, Young Sun Noh
Delegate Producer : Survivance


Distributor : Survivance


2019 - États généraux du film documentaire, Lussas (France) : "Docmonde"
2018 - IDFA - International Documentary Festival Amsterdam, Amsterdam (Pays-Bas) : Sélection