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La Voie de la peinture
Luc Jean Baptiste
2000 - 26 min - Betacam SP - Couleur - France

The life, work and the first big retrospective exhibition in Peking of the French painter of Chinese origin, on the border between the art of the East and the art of the West.
Zao Wou-Ki’s work is approached from three angles. One, very concrete, shows the realisation of a painting. The other, historical, traces the artist’s itinerary. The last, more philosophical, concerns relations between the painter’s original culture and the one that he discovered and assimilated in the West.
The painter himself comments on his work and his different periods. Pierre Daix places Zao Wou-Ki’s painting back in plastic creation, at the moment when young painters from continental China are more and more considering Zao Wou-Ki’s career as exemplary.

Author-Director : Luc Jean Baptiste
Delegate Producer : ACCAAN (Atelier cinéma de Normandie)
Broadcasting Co-producer : Cityzen télévision
Contribution : CNC, Le Bleu du ciel


Distributor : Inter ciné TV
Disponible au Club du doc


2001 - Images en bibliothèques, Paris (France) : Film soutenu par la Commission nationale de sélection des médiathèques